If you are a healthcare professional, back in the beginning of your education you had to take a few core science courses: Anatomy and physiology, microbiology, biochemistry etc. Some of you may have soaked up certain classes and others maybe wondered when would you ever use this stuff again? My favorite classes- anatomy/physiology and nutritional biochemistry. My least favorite - organic chemistry and microbiology. I remember thinking, “Gram staining bacteria in a lab—when will I use those skills?” And, what does nutrition have to do with microbiology? Me now—“Well, pretty much everything- micro and nutrition.” With all of the work I do with the gut microbiome—I have to smile at my narrow mindedness back then. Now, I’d probably love gram staining bacteria because the context is much more meaningful. So much of our learning curve is emboldened by experience.
Those Core Courses and System Biology
Systems biology is a term used loosely, especially online. In reality, systems biology is almost a discipline in itself. It’s a methodical and mathematical approach to any biological system, not just with humans. Because medicine is divided into disciplines: cardiology, neurology etc., we may forget the principles of systems biology. Although we need some organization and areas of specialties, including in nutrition, nothing in the body occurs in isolation. All systems are communicating. This is how health is maintained and how disease occurs. But nutritionists, must be careful of limiting knowledge of the entirety of the body, especially in areas of specialities. And for those who don’t specialize to be careful of shying away from certain topics— for example, automatically referring out anything to do with the kidney to a “renal dietitian”. BTW, I love renal RDs and yes, there are times we may need to refer to a specialist.
Understanding anatomy and physiology, in other words, structure and function of each system is imperative to understanding system biology and ultimately being an effective and knowledgeable nutritionist.