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I am an educator at heart. My mission is to share my knowledge and comprehensive approach to nutrition and wellness to RDs and RNs and other health professionals, supporting them in becoming confident practitioners. I realize the process of gaining confidence and knowledge can be a struggle, especially in a discipline where information is boundless.
I’ve been practicing in healthcare over 30 years including private practice, education and organized medicine, working with physicians, nurses, researchers, athletes, scientists and most importantly, the hundreds of patients who I've had the pleasure and privilege of serving.
Over the last three decades, I have seen tremendous shifts in thinking regarding food and health and often wonder how the average consumer or clinician can make sense of it all. As a young athlete, intuitively, I believed nutrition could help me perform, as well as protect my body. Some things in life you just know. I also enjoy food. The decision to make a career in nutrition was really an easy one.
My career path, however, was not a straight one.
I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene from the University of Maryland Dental School and quickly learned dental hygiene was not where it was at for me (though oral health and the gut microbiome is huge).
In my early 20’s, I changed my focus to study nutrition at Simmons College in Boston, then completed a one year post-graduate internship at Massachusetts General Hospital and then my Master of Science degree in Nutrition from Massachusetts General Hospital’s Institute of Health Professions with a focus in nutritional biochemistry, exercise and sports nutrition. My graduate degree emboldened in me the power of food and nutrients. My early experience with athletes and sports medicine laid the foundation for much of what I do in my career today.
My approach to health has always been through a functional/integrative lens, not realizing it would grow into almost its own discipline. Along the way, I also became a registered nurse, providing me with invaluable perspectives on health and disease.
As more and more functional/integrative medicine practitioners are earning degrees and certifications, some with varying levels of clinical experience, we must be cautious not to throw the baby out with the bath water.
As a registered nurse and dietitian, I am grateful for both my traditional and functional training. Every bit of my experiences have been a process in building my comprehensive and holistic approach to patient care.
Awards and Recognition
Louise Hatch Award - MGH Institute of Health Professions for professional leadership and academic excellence.
Jefferey Bland recognition award 2016 IFNA Academy.

Consultant for U.S. Military author and editor of “Performance Power–The Nutrition Connection,” eating guidelines used in basic training for all four armed services.
Professional publications: SCAN: A Guide for the Professional Working with Active People: Chapter 3– Protein and Exercise and Chapter 45: Swimming.
Incidence of Stress Fractures in Female Athletes and relationship to protein intake-MGH thesis, 1988.
Writer and editor for SWIM magazine
Author of The Seductive Land of Carbs; © 2015.
"Carbs” have become a popular word in nutrition and diet circles but the public’s knowledge of them is superficial. Carbohydrates are a misunderstood class of nutrients. You may love them or you may hate them but do you really know them; why we need them and why too many can wreck havoc with your body?
Professional Experience:
Over 30 years in private practice www.nutritiontofityou.com.
Speaker to: professionals, groups and corporations.
Nutritionist at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Nutrition Coordinator at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care.
Consultant for Harvard Business School, the U.S. Military, Girl Scouts of America and more.

Professional Affiliations